Sh’lach, Numbers 13:1-15:41, Parshat Hashavua for Shabbat, June 17, 2023

What we see and how we see things are two very different things. Two people or two groups can see the same events or facts and come to different conclusions. In our country today we seem to be divided into two camps who each see the world in fundamentally different ways. In this week’s Torah portion, the Israelites have reached the border of the Land of Israel God commands Moses to choose 12 spies to explore the land. They return and tell the Israelites that it is a land “flowing with milk and honey.” (Numbers 13:27) But ten of the scouts add, “However, the people who inhabit the country are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large.” (Numbers 13:28) Caleb and Joshua, the other two scouts respond, “Let us by all means go up, and we shall gain possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30) Two groups witness the same thing but make very different conclusions. Rashi explains that Caleb went to Hebron and visited the graves of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. He reconnected with his ancestors and had his faith reinforced. Where others grew afraid, Caleb grew brave. We can face life with fear or faith. The choice is ours. Each of us can draw on the Jewish tradition to strengthen ourselves, just as Caleb did.