Notes from the Board: May 19, 2021


  • The General Membership Meeting will be Sunday, June 13 at 11:30 AM via Zoom. The Board is working on: committee reports; proposed nominations; proposed budget; and the calendar for next year.
  • The Executive Committee has endorsed the recommendations of the Reopening Committee and hopes to reopen as soon as the recommendations can be implemented. The committee will meet again to deal with outstanding issues and questions. The Board decided against a rental on June 12, as it was too soon to have recommendations implemented.


  • We currently have a deficit, and it is likely to increase by the end of the fiscal year, since we have lost significant amounts of rental income.
  • The budget for next year is uncertain, because of the pandemic and resulting ongoing changes. We are likely to have a deficit again, since we cannot count on our rentals for the entire year, but we are expecting to resume programming.
  • Leases and arrangements with tenants and contracts need to be negotiated.

Building and Grounds

  • Internet has been installed in the building. We are working on extending the LAN from the office to the rest of the building and the school building.
  • The storage shed was broken into, but nothing of significance was taken. A stronger lock has been installed.