Religious School Update – April 8, 2022
Hello Everyone.
Our recap of our previous session. Rabbi Dean led our Tefillah service before heading out to Israel this week. We are currently in the Book of Leviticus and heading toward Passover.
The younger grades had an amazing time thanks to Jenny and Larry. All the kids got to make special Challahs with their own personal touch (often sprinkles or chocolate chips) and they taste delicious. Larry also provided story time at the end of the day, which the kids loved. They also got to finish and take home their Shabbat boxes, which everyone can now use at home.
For the Bnai Mitzvah class, we completed the Purim projects we did not get to finish earlier, including making groggers, listening to a reading of the Megillah, and highlighting key parts of the Book of Esther (including the longest verse in the Tanach and the verse that contains every Hebrew letter). For the second hour, we reviewed the Torah prayers and then played a trivia game related to Passover. Chase won both rounds of the game and everyone learned fascinating facts about Passover in preparation for Seder in April.
We’re back in session this week on April 10 and will be off next week April 17 for Pesach.
We look forward to seeing everyone! Take care!
David & Larry
Religious School Recap April 10, 2022
April 14, 2022 by tbhrich • Beit Midrash
Hello Everyone!
So much to tell you. As Passover is fast approaching, we will not be having Religious School on April 17 in observance of the holiday. We will resume our schedule on April 24.
I also have an update on exciting activities in the near future. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, June 12, which will not only be our last day of Religious School for the year but it will also be our special class trip to the Contemporary Jewish Museum for the Jim Henson exhibit. We will have a school tour for up to 25 people, which means parents can come along with teachers and students. I will get the exact time from the director shortly. I am also in contact with the Puppet Show director and will let you know the date for that soon (it will likely be a Friday afternoon or evening).
And now for the recap. Rabbi Dean was just returning from Israel so Larry graciously led our Tefillah service. Afterwards, the classes all set out to learn about Passover. All of the kids got a delicious treat thanks to Mercedes, who helped them make coconut macaroons and provided meringues as a snack.
The younger grades then had a lot of fun making special Seder plates to use for Seder this Friday and Saturday. They also read Passover stories and listened to Passover songs (the best being the Maccabeats, such a creative group).
In the Bnai Mitzvah class, we learned about the 14 different steps of the Seder, including the Four Questions, Ten Plagues, the rituals surrounding the Seder, why we clean up Chamitz before Passover, and many others. The class actually remembered 8 of the 10 plagues off the top of their heads! At our next class we will be coming up with our own Seder rituals to give the service our own unique twist.
And that about covers it for now. Everyone have a wonderful Seder and we will see y’all on the 24th. Chag Pesach!