Religious School Update – February 10, 2023
Hello Everyone!
Could anything be better than an amazing Tu B’shvat celebration with all our students and parents? Thank you to everyone who brought in fruit for the kids and helped to make our Seder a success. Just as a reminder, we will have our next Religious School this week on Sunday, February 12. When school ends at 12:30 p.m., we will be having a Hamentashan making class for all who are interested. We will then have a week off on February 19 and resume Religious School the following week on February 26.
And now for the recap. Rabbi Dean and Cantor Marney led our Tefillah service and introduced us to more Tu B’shvat songs. All the classes then worked together to plant a nectarine tree and kumquat tree. The kids really enjoyed digging in the dirt and spreading the soil. One day they will walk by those fully grown trees and think to themselves “I planted that!”
The second half of class was all based on preparing and celebrating our Tu B’shvat Seder. Taking turns with washing and cutting up the fruit, all the kids helped put together the 7 species along with 27 different kinds of fruit. When the parents arrived we were all set for our Seder. Everyone started off with tasting the 7 species (wheat, barley, grapes, olives, dates, pomegranates, and figs) and saying the blessings for each one. We then tried fruits with edible seeds, followed by fruits without edible seeds, followed by fruits that can be eaten entirely, and finally smelling the aromas of lemons and limes and oranges. All the kids and adults then announced which fruit they had tried a lot and which one they had never tried before. It was fun hearing which fruits were surprise hits (like dragonfruit) and which would never be tried again (like jackfruit). All in all, a highly successful seder for our families!
And that about covers it for now. I will see everyone next Sunday for classes, Hamentashen lesson, and then Super Bowl!
Religious School Update – April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023 by tbhrich • Beit Midrash
Hello Everyone!
And welcome to the first full month of spring! I always love this time of year because the days are just getting longer and soon warmer weather will be upon us! I wanted to remind everyone that next week, on April 9, we will have a break for the Passover holiday. In two weeks, on April 16, we will have our special field trip to Urban Adamah in Berkeley. On that day, there will be no Tefillah service or classes because we will all meet at Urban Adamah for the scheduled program. I will send more details next week. Also, if your family would like to attend the Temple Seder on April 8, please fill out a registration form in the lobby and return it to the main office.
And now for the recap. Cantor Marney and Rabbi Dean led our Tefillah service to start the day. Afterwards, the younger kids in Jenny’s class heard Passover stories, watched part of the Prince of Egypt, and, most importantly, made Afikomen covers. They all turned out beautiful and will make great additions to all of our Seder tables this year.
In the Bnai Mitzvah class, Heather’s class joined us for the first hour to learn about the Passover Seder. Once again, I had all the students go over each of the 14 steps and the symbolic importance of each one. Afterwards, I had the students write out each step, cut them out into separate parts, and rearrange them to make their own Seder ritual. They each had clever ideas, including putting all the cups of wine together, having the meal earlier, waiting to find the afikomen until the very end, etc. This year the Bnai Mitzvah kids may yet be running their family seders! I will be sending out the handiwork of each student to their parents.
And that about covers it for now. Have a wonderful break and hopefully we will see y’all at the Temple on Saturday for Seder!