From the President – May 28, 2021

During a session of the URJ Scheidt Conference prior to my first term as TBH president, I was asked how I felt.  I answered that I didn’t feel ready or even capable.  I had only been a member of TBH for a short time and couldn’t completely comprehend why I was asked to serve as president.  The reply I got was, “Neither did Moses.”

This week Rabbi Dean wrote about Moses who did not feel qualified to be and did not want to be a leader, and was “…the most humble of all people.”  I do not dare to compare myself to Moses who is considered the Jewish people’s greatest leader.  I do know that I am doing the best that I can as president and am unsure about whether that is good enough.  However, I also know that I stepped up and took on the responsibility because of my love for this community and I know that there are others that are far more qualified than I am to do this job that have not.

We need you.  Even if you don’t feel qualified, we need you.  We need your knowledge, skill, talent and imagination.  We need fresh perspectives on our board and as officers.  I understand if you are reluctant, but we need you.  It is a significant commitment of time and effort and you may feel that you are too busy to make that commitment, but we need you.  

Once again, I am asking you to join our leadership team.  Please contact Linda Rose or me ( and let’s talk.

 We are Temple Beth Hillel.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel


~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel