From the President – February 13, 2020

Last month I wrote about Nueva Esperanza, a program to help ease the transition of asylum seekers trying to establish a new life here in the United States. The response was heartwarming, but not enough to form a team. Hey, there’s still time! 

That being said, a friend of the Temple is on Accompaniment Team, working with a couple from Nicaragua. Their process is proceeding at the glacial pace of most government agencies. What they need is work. Marvin is interested in light handyman or household work and Indira was a spa owner back home – she can do manicures and pedicures, and can do haircoloring. She can also do housecleaning and mending. If you can help them earn a living, please contact Deby Aguero-Grinfeld at

While we are speaking, please make plans to attend the New and Improved Temple Beth Hillel Purim Carnival on March 8. The crowd at the planning meeting was large and enthusiastic. Look for new games (some for adults as well as kids), a pared down lunch menu and lots of fun and silliness. 

Also rapidly approaching is the Temple Beth Hillel Community Seder on Saturday, April 11.  

Let’s celebrate together! 

We are what we do. 

Neil Zarchin