From the Presidents – Oct. 26, 2023

Shalom Everyone!

First and foremost, a huge thank you to all of our members who attended the Richmond City Council meeting in person and online to express our opposition to the proposed resolution concerning the Israeli-Hamas war.  Resolutions like these are often designed to garner attention and sow division and anxiety within the community.  We feel disappointed that the City Council decided to take up this proposal in the first place instead of getting feedback from the community first.  At times like these, when many of our members are already feeling tense and uncertain with the ever changing crisis, witnessing our community come together stands as a beacon of hope for the future.  And while we are of course taking security precautions (including a big assist from the Richmond Police Department), we cannot let those who commit evil dominate our lives or those of our family and friends.  That was why it was so uplifting to see congregants attend our regular Shabbat service last Friday along with our regular Religious School and even a special presentation by our own Adam Bessie on Sunday, keeping the traditions of TBH alive and well.  While it may yet be a while before the situation abroad improves, we must stand strong together as the community of TBH has done for decades in this area.  We along, with the rest of the Board, are grateful for the steadfast support you have all given during this time of trial.

On a different note, we wanted to express our deepest gratitude for all our members who volunteered to serve on the newly created search committee to look for TBH’s next rabbi.  We will all miss Dean very much after his retirement next year but this also marks the next chapter in the story of TBH.  We and the members of the committee will be working over the next few months to find a worthy successor for our beloved Rabbi Dean.  We will provide plenty of updates as the process unfolds.

And for those who wish to make a difference in our own community, we highly encourage you to consider joining the Temple Beth Hillel Board of Directors next year.  Our Board is always on the lookout for members who have ideas for the future of the temple and the ability to carry out that vision.  And as we have discovered, serving on the Board makes us appreciate how much Temple Beth Hillel means to us and our children.  And for those who wish to volunteer for Food for Thought this year, there is a sign up sheet in the main hallway.   

Finally, please join us for our annual GRIP Walk this Saturday, October 28, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Our next regular Shabbat Service will take place next Friday, November 3, at 7:30 p.m.  The next Family Shabbat will occur on Friday, November 17, starting at 6:15 p.m. so please help spread the word.  Torah Study will also continue every Saturday at 10:15 a.m. on Zoom.  And of course, we encourage everyone to come to our wonderful Tefillah services at Religious School every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.  Thank you everyone!      


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel

~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel