Religious School Update – March 29, 2024

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to thank all our families for all their help and support for making the Purim Carnival such a success this year.  We especially appreciated all the efforts you made for manning the booths and helping with set up and clean up.  This upcoming Sunday is Spring Break so we will not have Religious School on the 31st.  Religious School will resume on April 7.  And please mark your calendars because on April 14 we have secured tickets for the kids to go on a field trip to the Oakland Zoo.  We have spots for 10 kids and 10 adults so any other family members will need to secure their own tickets (for 10:30 a.m.)  We will be having a scavenger hunt where all the kids will try to find the appropriate animals at the zoo based on their Hebrew names, which all classes will be working on in class on the 7th.  We are looking forward to the trip!

 And now for the recap.  Our special Tefillah service was led by Rabbi Dean and Cantor Marney, both in amazing costumes!  It was also great to see all the teachers and kids in costume as well.  Rabbi Dean read the story of Purim and Cantor Marney chanted a few of the passages from the Book of Esther.  And of course all the kids provided the instrumental noise to drown out “Haman”.  The younger kids then spent an hour with Heather learning more about Purim.  The Bnai Mitzvah class learned about the different pieces of evidence for whether or not the Purim events could have happened as described.  We came to the consensus that it was unlikely but parts of the story could have happened.  The kids gave a lot of thought to the idea and came up with some persuasive arguments.

 And that about covers it for now.  Everyone have a great Spring Break and we’ll see y’all on the 7th of April!

P.S. Please take a moment to sign up for bringing snacks in March along with hosting an oneg in March, April, May, or June.  Thanks everyone!


