September 22, 2022
by tbhrich •
Welcome to:
- New member Ahuva Simon-Saar. Ahuva has been coming to services recently.
- New Office Manager Brandy Mahrt. Brandy has started and will be training with John Maxson until the end of September. She can be reached at We appreciate the great job that John has done working in the office.
- High Holy Day services will be multi-access – indoors and on zoom. For those attending on zoom, prayer books may be checked out during office hours (Monday – Friday 1-5 PM). If you need child care, please respond to David Zimring’s e-mail.
- Masks are not required, but are highly encouraged for all services, including High Holy Days.
- The High Holy Day appeal will be for Food for Thought.
- Youth Shabbats have been instituted the third Friday of the month before the service.
- Chase McCrary will become a bar mitzvah Saturday, October 22.
- Thanks to all who volunteered to help at the Solano Stroll.
- The GRIP Harmony Walk will be Saturday, October 22.
- We have a new lease with the Chinese for Christ North East-Bay Church.
Notes from the Board – Sept. 21, 2022
September 22, 2022 by tbhrich • board
Welcome to: