From the President – June 20, 2019

It should be well known but now, but it bears repeating. Our beloved Cantor Fran Burgess is leaving Temple Beth Hillel this week – Friday June 21 will be her last service, followed by a potluck Oneg in her honor. We have been blessed beyond belief to have her in our community and she will be missed for her voice, for her devotion to TBH, for the knowledge she so freely shares with us. Personally, I will always remember her for teaching me that “we are not just people of the book, we are people of the calendar” and for her making us aware that there is a distinct melody for every event in the Jewish year.

Sometime this week or next we will take delivery of new chairs in the synagogue and library. Thanks are due to the Beautification Committee – Sheri Tattenheim, Louise Snitz, Helene Class and Marilyn Herzberg.

On a more somber note, a grant proposal has been submitted for funds to upgrade some of our security infrastructure, including but not limited to lighting in the parking lot, cameras and the wiring to accommodate these changes.

Please be careful.

We are what we do.

—Neil Zarchin