From the President–April 18, 2019

I have prayed at Notre Dame.

How can a Jew pray in a Cathedral? Any place that people gather to pray is sacred. Though others pray using different symbolism, we all pray for peace, for health, for love.

But throughout history hasn’t the Catholic Church has oppressed and persecuted Jews? In my life, I have been blessed with the friendship and inspiration of several Priests and Nuns. One of the most recent examples occurred at a Mosque after the horror of Christchurch. The Priest from the local parish gave a speech of compassion and brotherhood, stressing the similarities of the Abrahamic faiths. Then he got on his knees before the Imam and begged forgiveness for all the Muslims who have been killed “in Jesus’ name.”

People like that are why a Jew can pray at Notre Dame, and I pray for its speedy restoration.

We are what we do.

-Neil Zarchin