From the President – May 20, 2021

Rabbi Dean wrote that we “…stand together in a sacred chain of connection that began at Sinai and continues to the present day. We all are part of the shared history and the shared destiny of the Jewish people. All of us can be blessed. All of us can bless others. All of us can be a blessing.”

This sacred connection motivates me to strive to honor my parents, my grandparents, the generations that preceded them, and the people they were so proud to be part of, to sacrifice for, and even die for.  When I hear or read or chant the same words that my parents prayed, I feel that connection and feel comforted and motivated to try my best to “…be a blessing.”

Growing up as part of the only Jewish family in our neighborhood east of Los Angeles, the synagogue was our only means to maintain that connection.  Yes, as a teen and young adult I became disillusioned by synagogue life and politics.  I saw nothing holy in the way synagogue boards and officers often treat their clergy, their membership, and each other, but my father insisted that in Southern California (and the Bay Area where there isn’t even a good Jewish deli) synagogues, as imperfect as they are, are the only means of maintaining our Jewish identity.

As I grew older it seemed that my father got smarter and wiser.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t until after he died that I realized just how right he was about many things, including synagogues. 

Temple Beth Hillel is our way to maintain our  “…sacred  chain of connection…[with] our shared history and…our shared destiny.”

This is why Mercedes and I joined this community.  This is why I serve as president.  It is an opportunity to give a little to the community that gives us so much. 

Yes, once again I am asking you to step up and participate in the future of Temple Beth Hillel.  We need your knowledge, skills and talents.  We need to hear your voice.  We need you on our board.  We need you as officers.  In a community as small as ours, we all have to contribute.  Please contact Linda Rose or me ( and let’s talk. 


 We are Temple Beth Hillel.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel


~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel