From the President — March 18, 2021

Among the lessons we are learning from this pandemic, perhaps one of the most important is not to take anything for granted.  For the past year we have missed praying together, learning together, and sharing food together in person – all things that we have taken for granted.  Even though the dedication and creativity of many members of our community have allowed us to stay connected electronically, it is not the same.  However, in this difficult time I sincerely believe that our bonds as a community have strengthened through necessity.  We have learned how much we need each other and to appreciate our small and mighty TBH community.  We eagerly look forward to in- person events when we can do all the things that we have lost during the pandemic.  

But, these things do not happen by magic.  There are no “magic elves” who suddenly appear to do the work.  It takes all of us.  If you, like me, feel that the pandemic has reinforced your appreciation of TBH, think about volunteering to help ensure that our synagogue thrives now and in the future.  We are looking for members to join us as members of our Board of Directors and our Executive Board.  You will be committing some of your time, but the rewards are far greater than the effort. Contact Jane Durango, Linda Rose, or me for more information.  


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel


~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel