From the President – January 14, 2021

We are living in a strange time when the criminals are the ones not wearing masks, when rioters (unmasked) urged on by our would-be Pharaoh stormed our nation’s capitol building carrying and wearing symbols of hate that glorify slavery, insurrection, and the Holocaust, and nearly half of the US population believes that the virus that has killed nearly 2 million people worldwide and keeps us from gathering in person is a hoax perpetrated by a deep state.  Just when we need our families and friends and community the most, we are physically separated by Covid-19.  Anxiety and fear are actually rational responses to our current circumstances and hope can be difficult to maintain.  

However, I still cling to hope.  I believe that the Jewish values that served our parents and ancestors will give us guidance and get us through these challenging times. I believe that we gain strength from and are comforted by our TBH community and with  commitment, resolve, and creativity we will not only survive, but thrive. 

We are Temple Beth Hillel.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel