From the President – February 3, 2022

As I am writing this on Wednesday afternoon, we are planning to hold hybrid in person and online services Friday night.  The key word is planning.  During this pandemic it takes a leap of faith to plan anything, but without planning nothing happens.  It can be extremely disappointing to plan, and anticipate, and prepare, and then have to cancel an event.  Between TBH, my personal life, and my theater activities, I have experienced a lot of cancellations from plays to birthday parties, to B’nai Mitzvah to funerals, Passover Seders, and more.

And yet we are planning to be together in person and online Friday/tonight.  There are no guarantees.  We may have to change plans at the last minute once again, but if all goes well we will pray together.  Of course we will be as safe as we can be.  Everyone will be masked and vaccinated.  We will monitor federal, state, and local guidelines and adapt as is necessary.

I have experienced the disappointments and frustrations of cancellations.  I am aware of the deadly seriousness of the pandemic.  I know that our neighbor is among the almost 1 million Americans and  almost 6 million people worldwide that have been killed by Covid-19.  I am aware of all that.  And yet, although it can be difficult, I choose to be optimistic.  I choose to believe that this will pass.

I look forward to seeing you at services.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel

~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel