From the President – Oct. 29, 2021

We are a small congregation and it takes all of us to make us mighty.  Nothing happens magically and we have a lot of work to do, but we have done it and will do it. 

We observed our High Holy Days safely masked, vaccinated, and outdoors with half of us on Zoom and Cantor Shayndel in Colorado.  To liberally borrow from Rabbi Dean, we imagined it and then it took a lot of people a lot of hours of work to make it real. 

Our Religious School has emerged from pandemic exile and is holding in person classes protected by vaccinations for adults, masks, and air purifiers.  Again, this took and takes a lot of work to make it real.

Our Lay Led Torah Study is holding hybrid sessions twice a month and Zoom sessions on the other Saturday mornings and this too did not and does not happen magically.

We have accomplished a lot, but as we continue to emerge from the pandemic we have a lot more to get done.  Can you help?  Are you good at organizing and motivating volunteers?  Do you have technical skills that can help us complete our LAN and make our new high speed internet available throughout our buildings?  Are you a healthcare professional who can help us adapt to the ever changing Covid-19 landscape?  Can you help provide meals, rides, and comfort to our community members in need?

Ideas and dreams are essential, but “…we must work to make [them] real.”  Please contact me.

We are Temple Beth Hillel.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel

~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel