From the President – Oct. 20, 2021

As I am writing this Mercedes and I are returning from Oregon where we participated  in the naming ceremony for our first and only grandchild. Our son, who we burped and cleaned and diapered, is burping and cleaning and diapering his own daughter.  As we took our turns holding and cuddling and admiring our granddaughter I marveled at creation and the beginning of a new life.  

In the midst of our joyous week, I was informed about a fire on our TBH property on the side of the hill away from our buildings.  I am concerned, but holding my granddaughter and seeing the joy and love of our son and daughter-in-law gave me perspective. Nobody was hurt.  None of our buildings were damaged.  It could have been much worse.

We will consult the fire department for the cause and what we can do to try to prevent anything similar in the future.  Our leadership will proceed to protect ourselves and our property in a manner that is consistent with our Jewish values.  

We are Temple Beth Hillel.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel

~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel