From the President – Sept 9, 2021

We are a strong and resilient community and together we are facing the challenges of these very difficult times.  For the first time in two years we observed Rosh Hashanah together and in person.  We had to be masked and everyone had to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination, but we did it.  We even made it a hybrid event with an online option. It took a lot of hard work from many dedicated and creative people, but we did it.   Thank you Rabbi Dean, Cantor Shayndel, the Ritual Committee (Jane Durango, Maggie Jacobs, Alan Marks, Carl Nelson, Michelle Husby) and our Reopening Committee (Linda Rose, Lucinda Casson, Louise Snitz). And a special thank you to Michelle Husby who has been navigating confusing and often contradictory information. 

Unfortunately, our challenges persist. COVID-19 is not magically going away.  We must continue to adapt to ever changing conditions.  Climate change is real.  We have witnessed wildfires, hurricanes, and floods.  And that is just in the past week.  Here in Richmond we have to prepare for hotter temperatures and longer more intense wildfire seasons. We need to protect ourselves from smoke and viruses and that requires improved air circulation and filtration in our sanctuary.  To accomplish that we need to replace the circa 1964 heating system.

Our recent High Holy Days appeals have consistently been for others.  I think this year we can do something for ourselves.  Since, for health and safety reasons, we need to replace our sanctuary heaters, let’s do something nice for ourselves and add air conditioning.  We deserve it.  

Please use the links provided below to make your donations to help insure both our safety and our comfort.

See you in person or online for Kol Nidre.  Shanah tovah u’metukah (a good and sweet year)   שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה.

We are Temple Beth Hillel.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel

~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel