From the Presidents – Sept. 8, 2023

Hello Everyone!

Happy September!  With the passing of Labor Day, we now enter the transition period between summer and autumn.  Traditionally, this means the weather will start to get cooler, the leaves start falling from the trees, students start to get settled in their new classrooms, and farmers all over the world will soon be bringing in the harvest.  Yet here in California we get to break some of those stereotypes.  Especially in Nor-Cal, the weather usually gets warmer as Indian Summer reaches our shores (and consequently a greater risk of wildfires, sad to say).  The leaves do fall from the trees but not to the same degree as on the East Coast.  And though most kids do get settled in their classrooms at this time, the climate in California means we look forward to harvests virtually all year round.  All this means that stereotypes do not always apply everywhere and our local conditions can guide our actions far more effectively.  Let us take pride in our diversity as we head toward the High Holidays.   

We are also pleased to announce that September also has so many great events for the Temple Beth Hillel community.  This upcoming Saturday, September 9th, there will be a Slichot Potluck Gathering and serviceat the Temple starting at 7:00 p.m.  The following day, September 10th, Temple Beth Hillel will be hosting a booth at the Solano Stroll in Albany and Berkeley.  We and the rest of the Board will be volunteering to help spread the word about our wonderful community, and we encourage all members who are able to do so as well.  Larry has sent out the sign-up sheet and we hope to see everyone there.  Also, High Holiday services will be taking place between September 15 and September 25.  Erev Rosh Hashanah Services will begin on Friday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. and Rosh Hashanah Morning Services will be on Saturday, September 16, at 10:00 a.m, and all are invited to a small reception out in the courtyard following the service at 1 pm.  The following week, Kol Nidre services will be on Sunday, September 24, at 7:00 p.m. and Yom Kippur morning services will occur on Monday, September 25 at 10:00 a.m., with afternoon services beginning at 4:30 p.m.

Finally, the next Shabbat Service will be held at the same time as Erev Rosh Hashanah.  We hope to see y’all there.  Thank you everyone!


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel

~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel