From the Presidents – July 13, 2023

Shalom Everyone!

We hope everyone is having a fun summer so far.  From what we hear at Shabbat services, so many families are making up for the lost time of the last few years by traveling to favored destinations.  Whether across California, the East Coast, Europe, Africa, the Pacific, or other exotic locations, travel allows us to recharge, reset, and appreciate all the wonders of the world.  Historically, members of the Jewish community have embraced traveling for opportunities, for escape, and for pleasure.  Even the ancient Israelites wandered all over the Near East before settling in the land of Israel!  This year, if you have not done so already, consider planning a trip, whether close to home or across the world, to reconnect with the world.  And be sure to send lots of pictures!

We have several fun events planned for the rest of the summer!  On July 29 at 4:00 p.m. we will host our Movie Night Potluck with a showing of the classic film The Producers, with our own Michael Cohen providing background, trivia, and other fun facts about the movie.  There will be plenty of snacks and popcorn!  Starting on August 19 and continuing through September 4, our own Mercedes Cohen’s play “Faeries of the Moonlight” will be showing at John Hinkel Park in Berkeley every Saturday and Sunday at 4:00 p.m.  A carpool “field trip” to this event is in the works. Stay tuned! On September 10th Temple Beth Hille will be hosting a booth at the Solano Stroll in Albany and Berkeley.  We and the rest of the Board will be volunteering to help spread the word about our wonderful community, and we encourage all members who are able to do so as well.  Larry will be sending out sign-up sheets as we get closer to the event.

Finally, the next Shabbat Service will be held on Friday, July 21 at 7:30 p.m., hosted as always by our own Rabbi Dean and Cantor Marney.  We hope to see y’all there.  Thanks everyone!


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel

~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel