Guest d’var Torah – Parashat Metzora April 8, 2022

This week’s Parashat is Metzora. It involves the ways to handle impurity. This brings to mind the questions of what is really “impure” and how can any of us truly be “pure?” Times like we are going through, with an evolving pandemic and war in Ukraine makes me think that any and all of us may be sick or a potential carrier for some physical sickness. What may be even more interesting is our thoughts and behaviors and how they can affect others. When we try to be positive and helpful to others our actions can have a wonderful ripple effect that helps to make a person’s day or keep them from going over the edge. The same can be said about the other side of the coin, negative actions, attitudes or statements can hurt others and yourself. We tend to feed off of negative narratives and bring each other down or possibly to the brink. With so many potential negative catalysts we need to make a conscious effort to dwell on the positive or at the very least not add to the negative or “impure” thoughts and actions out in the world. By having more positive or “pure” thoughts in terms of how we interact with each other we can improve ourselves and others one moment at a time. So when you have the opportunity, take a moment to “share the love” or remember we all have our own trials or challenges and it is better for all of us to “breathe” and at least do no further harm. Ideally we can spread some positivity. Remember it all starts with you and how you react to what happens around us.

