Miketz, Genesis 41:1-44:17, Parashat Hashavua for Shabbat December 16, 2023

Friday is the last day of Hanukkah, our celebration of light. The Alter Rebbe (the founder of Chabad Hasidism) said, “A little light can drive out a great amount of darkness.” Each December, during the darkest time of the year, Hanukkah reminds us of the wisdom of this message.

In this week’s Torah portion, Joseph is taken out from the dungeon and brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dream of the seven fat cows and the seven lean cows. The word for dungeon in this week’s Torah portion is, Ha bor, the pit. The trajectory of Joseph’s life until now has been a fall from his father Jacob’s favorite son to the bottom of the pit. Now, Joseph begins his ascent from the depths of the pit of darkness and despair to the heights of power in Pharaoh’s palace. Joseph’s misfortunes and suffering have changed him; made him more caring of and empathetic toward others, giving him the capacity to successfully interpret Pharaoh’s dream.

Life has its share of tragedy and suffering and, hopefully, its full measure of joy as well. Like Joseph we can learn and grow from our struggles and misfortune and become better people. This is a message of Hanukkah as well. Even in the darkest of times we can bring light, hope, and goodness into the world. During these dark days, when many of us feel frightened and isolated, it is important for us to remember Hanukkah and, like Joseph, to bring our light into the world, the message of Jewish values. We and the world will be better for it, especially when it is darkest.