Religious School Update – April 12, 2024


Hello Everyone,

The big day is almost here.  We are all set to go on our second field trip of the year, this time to the Oakland Zoo, this upcoming Sunday, April 14.  We will meet at the Temple at our regular time at 9:30 for a brief Tefillah service that should last approximately 20 minutes.  We will then carpool to Oakland and arrive at the zoo at 10:30 a.m.  I will be able to take 7-8 people in my van and we have paid parking for 2 other cars.  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to carpool as well.  We will spend approximately 2-3 hours at the Zoo where the kids will go on a scavenger hunt looking for different animals based on their Hebrew names.  Please make sure the kids wear their blue TBH shirts so we can keep track of everybody and that they bring water bottles to stay hydrated.

Also, our annual Passover Seder will be coming up on Saturday, April 27.  We are looking for volunteers to help with set up, clean up, and other assistance in preparation for the event.  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer.

And now for the recap.  Rabbi Dean and Cantor Marney led us in our Tefillah service before each class started preparing for the upcoming field trip.  The kids learned the Hebrew names of the significant animals at the Oakland Zoo and will use their preparation for the upcoming scavenger hunt.  The B’nai Mitzvah class also did more work on their ancestry projects and are almost done with their research.  Soon they will be making initial drawings for a coat of arms and map detailing the journeys their ancestors took to get to California and the key features of their family history that symbolize who they are.

Thanks everyone and we’ll see you on Sunday!

P.S. Please take a moment to sign up for bringing snacks in March along with hosting an oneg in March, April, May, or June.  Thanks everyone!


