From the President: Oct. 22, 2020
We are a small and mighty community joined together by our commitment to Judaism, each other, and Tikkun Olam and we are still together even though we are physically apart and socially distanced. We are going to get through the challenges of the present because of our support of each other, but I know there are many people struggling through COVID-19 isolation without the comfort of community.
If you know anyone who might find comfort from our community, reach out to them and invite them to join us for a Friday night service or for Lay Led Torah study or to make sandwiches for GRIP. They may find some comfort and meaning with us and isn’t that what we are all about? In this time when human contact is difficult, human connection is especially crucial. We are lucky to have our community. Let’s share.
We are Temple Beth Hillel.
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel
From the President: Oct. 29, 2020
October 29, 2020 by tbhrich • president
I received this email from Contra Costa Elections:
“Hello Michael Cohen,
This is a message from Contra Costa County Elections. Your ballot for the 2020 General Election was received and will be counted. Thank you for voting!”
Mercedes and I placed our ballots in the official ballot drop box in the parking lot of the Wastewater District office on Hilltop. There were no crowds or lines, just a secure box. It was easy. And with tracking, I know my ballot was received and will be counted. If you have not already voted, please do it today. I won’t presume to tell you how to vote, but you really should vote and when you vote please consider our Jewish values including justice and compassion.
I think of the words of Rabbi Hillel that I close all my messages with. “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” This past Tuesday was the second anniversary of the murder of 11 people in the Pittsburgh massacre. Vote against anti-Semitism. “If I am not for others, what am I?” Black lives do matter and xenophobia is one of the sins we repent for on Yom Kippur. Vote against hate. “If not now, when?” You have until Tuesday. Don’t wait. Vote today.
We are Temple Beth Hillel.
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel