Last week, I mentioned the opportunity for all TBH members to serve on the Board. The response has been …. underwhelming. This is a very serious matter. In June of 2020, my term as President expires – and while it is a wonderful honor (and quite frankly not as much work as I was expecting), I do not wish to repeat it. Someone will have to step up. It would be great if the next President has at least a year on the Executive Board to learn a few procedures, etc.
On a more sober note, a cautionary notice. Last week two cars were broken into while the owners were picking up their children from the pre-school. This appears to be not so much a targeted crime, but rather the chance to pick up a couple of backpacks hoping there is something valuable inside. Please use common sense – do not leave anything visible in your car while parked, well, anywhere.
Later this month, the Berkeley Actors’ Ensemble will conduct a dramatic reading of the classic play A Dybbuk on February 24, 2:00 PM at TBH. Our own Michael Cohen directs.
From the President Feb. 15 2019
February 15, 2019 by tbhrich •
Last week, I mentioned the opportunity for all TBH members to serve on the Board. The response has been …. underwhelming. This is a very serious matter. In June of 2020, my term as President expires – and while it is a wonderful honor (and quite frankly not as much work as I was expecting), I do not wish to repeat it. Someone will have to step up. It would be great if the next President has at least a year on the Executive Board to learn a few procedures, etc.
On a more sober note, a cautionary notice. Last week two cars were broken into while the owners were picking up their children from the pre-school. This appears to be not so much a targeted crime, but rather the chance to pick up a couple of backpacks hoping there is something valuable inside. Please use common sense – do not leave anything visible in your car while parked, well, anywhere.
Later this month, the Berkeley Actors’ Ensemble will conduct a dramatic reading of the classic play A Dybbuk on February 24, 2:00 PM at TBH. Our own Michael Cohen directs.
We are what we do.
-Neil Zarchin