From the Presidents – October 21, 2022

L’Shana Tova! (May you be inscribed in the book of life for a good year.)
And so a new year beckons us with both challenges and opportunities along with new beginnings. We find it so fitting that following Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (times for reflection), the festive holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah follow (times for rejoicing). Building a sukkah and dancing with a re-rolled Torah are timeless traditions in the Jewish community that allow us to feel a connection with our ancient ancestors along with so many other Jewish communities around the world. This week we focus on Sukkot, which symbolizes the safety of a bountiful harvest along with shelter even while wandering, either literally or figuratively, in the wilderness. In that spirit, we encourage everyone to come see the Temple Sukkah, which our Religious School families graciously helped us erect and decorate last Sunday in record time.
Next week, on Sunday, October 16, we will also have our Simchat Torah service from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. as part of the Religious School Tefillah Service. We encourage everyone who would like to come to join us for these fun and festive times, especially the dancing.
Also next week, just 5 days later on Friday, October 21, for the first time in three years we will be having an in-person Bar Mitzvah service during a special Shabbat service. Our own Chase McCrary will be welcomed into our congregation as a Jewish adult. We encourage everyone to attend this historic occasion to celebrate the return of such an amazing ritual to our sanctuary.
And for those who wish to make a difference in our own community, we highly encourage you to consider joining the Temple Beth Hillel Board of Directors next year. Our Board is always on the lookout for members who have ideas for the future of the temple and the ability to carry out that vision. And as we have discovered, serving on the Board makes us appreciate how much Temple Beth Hillel means to us and our children. In addition, please welcome our new Office Manager, Brandy Mahrt. She has a long history with the temple and it is such a privilege that she is now keeping our office running smoothly. Feel free to stop by the office to say hello.
Finally, our next Shabbat service will be on Friday, October 21, which will include the next Youth Shabbat along with Chase’s Bar MItzvah. Please help spread the word so families can come have fun and see the excitement of our Temple. Torah study will be Saturdays at 10:15 a.m., as always, and you can join either in-person or on Zoom. Those who wish to join Tefillah services at the Religious School are welcome on any Sunday at 9:30 AM. The Religious School families often only see each other and it would be nice for them to get to know other members of the Temple as well. Shalom and L’Shana Tova!

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel
~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel