From the President – June 25, 2021

There is a very old joke that a committee of 2 Jews will have 3 opinions.  Serving on our board and as president I have learned that the joke is an understatement, but I have also learned how essential it is to really listen to all opinions, especially the ones I may not agree with, and even those that are critical of me and the job I am doing. 

Rabbi Dean wrote, “Ben Zoma said: Who is wise? He who learns from every man,” (Pirkei Avot 4:1).  As we enter a new fiscal year and seat a new board that will face significant challenges, we all have to remember this.  We all share a common commitment to Judaism and to TBH, but are quite diverse in our experiences, knowledge, and skills and must be willing to listen to each other and welcome constructive dialogue with those we disagree with.  The physical, emotional, and financial challenges of reopening and recovering from a very difficult year will require our collective energy, knowledge, skill, and creativity.  It is crucial that we are patient with each other, learn from each other, and as Rabbi Dean often says, “be kind to each other.”

  We are Temple Beth Hillel.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel

~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel