From the President – June 3, 2022

Much is happening at Temple Beth Hillel as we conclude our fiscal year.
Tonight, Rabbi Dean will be joined by Marney Margules, now Cantor Marney, to lead us in Erev Shabbat prayer. I look forward to her leadership and musicianship.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting is Sunday at noon and I hope you can attend. You can join us in person in our sanctuary or online.
We will be voting on our 2022-2023 budget, our slate of new officers and board members, hearing reports from our committees, and recognizing the special contributions of several of our members.
Of course this means that my term as president is coming to an end and with your votes to elect the slate we submitted, the transition to our new co-presidents can begin. It has been an honor to serve as president even in these challenging times. I know I have fallen short in some areas, but I am comfortable saying that I have done my best. Of course, I plan to remain on the board as past president, and Mercedes and I are not planning on going away anytime soon. This community means far too much to us.
Thank you for your support. Shabbat Shalom.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel
~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel