From the President – Nov. 5, 2020

I’m writing this Wednesday afternoon after a very troubling Tuesday night and anxious Wednesday morning.  The election results are still unknown and I am hopeful for a good result, but I am troubled by how many voted for fear, cruelty, and hate.  Rabbi Dean wrote above that, “How we treat the stranger, the alien, and the one in need reveals our true character.”  Based on that standard, I question the true character of far too many individuals and of this nation.  I am aware of this country’s history of xenophobia, racism, and anti-Semitism, but I hoped that these could become relics of the past.  Today, it is hard to hope after half the voters approved of separating children from their parents and keeping them in cages.  Even as troubled as I feel today, I know that my sanity requires me to cling to the little  hope I still have.  We can find comfort in the strength of our TBH community, and together work toward transforming the remains of our collective hope into our continued work toward justice.  Mercedes sews remnants of fabric into beautiful quilts.  Perhaps her hobby serves as a metaphor for our hope.  Let us piece together the remnants of our hope and rededicate ourselves as a community and individuals to social justice.  We have sandwiches to make for GRIP and a particularly challenging Food 4 Thought distribution happening next month.  Let’s get to work. 

We are Temple Beth Hillel.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel