RELIGIOUS SCHOOL – Oct. 11, 2024

Hello Everyone,

  And L’shana Tovah!  As we head toward Yom Kippur and Sukkot, we will have a slightly different session this upcoming week.  We will not be having regular classes in the morning so all the adults can recover from our Yom Kippur fast the day before.  Instead, we would like all the families to come to the Temple at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 13, to assist in our annual tradition of putting up the Sukkah.  With everyone pitching in, we are usually done in a couple of hours and the kids get to have fun with the decorations.  We will resume our regular classes the following week.

  And now for the recap.  This past week Larry and Sol led us in our Tefillah service before going to our classes.  In the younger grades they finished learning about Rosh Hashanah and have started learning about Yom Kippur.  They have also been practicing the Shema prayer in ASL!  Finally, the kids are reviewing the first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

     In the Bnai Mitzvah class, the kids learned about the Torah Portion Haazinu and the poem recited by Moses to the Israelites on the eve of their entry into Canaan.  They mainly tackled the subject of working for the benefit of others even if we ourselves do not get to experience the reward, like when Moses learned he could gaze upon Canaan but not be allowed to enter it.  For the second half of class, the students put together their own T’Shuva, which they will carry out this week.  Each student focused on something they were sorry for this year and how they will atone for their actions.  The students also got to engage in a blindfold exercise to symbolize the trust we put in ourselves and our communities when we make sacrifices.  They all learned a lot today.

    And that about covers it for now.  We will see everyone at the Yom Kippur services on Friday and Saturday and the Sukkah building on the 13th!


