From the Presidents – Aug. 17, 2023

Hello Everyone!

And it has begun!  West Contra Costa started the school year this week and we’re sure all the kids are excited (and bummed) about starting the new year!  We would love to see pictures of all the kids’ first day and share them among the community.  And of course, there will be plenty of pictures come Sunday when the Religious School starts its new year as well!  Everyone in the community is welcome to attend the first Religious School Tefillah Service on August 20 at 9:30 a.m.  We would love to see you there!

Now that another school year has started, it reminds us about routines.  We all have our favorite routines, whether its a nice cup of coffee in the morning, a brisk job in the evening, retelling the day’s events around the dinner table, etc.  And of course for our community, celebrating Shabbat service every Friday!  At the same time, routines can be disrupted or changed, as when we shift from a summer schedule to a school schedule.  It can feel daunting at times but we can always remember that the new routine will eventually be as comfortable as the old most of the time.  In the meantime, we can rely on our support networks, family, friends and our community for when we need an added boost of confidence.  Let us all extend a helping hand or ask for support when we need it.  The best part about community is knowing that in routine or disruptive times, they will always be there for us.

And as we mentioned, the big news is that our Religious School will be starting again on August 20, this upcoming Sunday.  The teachers and staff are preparing to welcome the kids back to school and we have exciting projects and events planned.  Also, starting on August 19 and continuing through September 4, our own Mercedes Cohen’s play “Faeries of the Moonlight” will be showing at John Hinkel Park in Berkeley every Saturday and Sunday at 4:00 p.m.  A carpool “field trip” to this event is in the works and we will fill in more details later.  And on September 10th, Temple Beth Hillel will be hosting a booth at the Solano Stroll in Albany and Berkeley.  We and the rest of the Board will be volunteering to help spread the word about our wonderful community, and we encourage all members who are able to do so as well.  Larry will be sending out sign-up sheets as we get closer to the event.

Finally, the next Shabbat Service will be held this Friday, August 18, at 7:30 p.m., hosted as always by our own Rabbi Dean and Cantor Marney.  On the same day, Co-President David Z. will also be hosting the first Family Shabbat event of the year at 6:15 p.m., focusing on the ins and outs of Shabbat traditions.  Please spread the word! We hope to see y’all there.  Thank you everyone!


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel

~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel