Religious School Update: Sept. 27, 2024

Hello Everyone!

It was so wonderful to see all of our new families join us for the last few sessions and we look forward to even more new families joining us in the future.  The coming weeks will be filled with celebration as we embark on the High Holy Days, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah.  Our next session will take place this Sunday, September 29.  And if you have not received your registration forms for the High Holy Days, they can be found in the main hall of the Temple.  Finally, we encourage all our families to attend the first Family Shabbat for the year, which will be held this Saturday, September 28, at 5:00 p.m.  There will be a special Havdallah service, challah, juice and snacks for the kids, an opportunity to practice blowing the shofar, performing a tashlich, and watching a short movie.  It will be fun!

   And now for the recap.  We started our Tefillah service with Rabbi Dean leading our families in prayer with the assistance of Sol B., who is practicing for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah in January.  The younger kids were practicing writing their Hebrew letters while the middle grades worked on a special art project.  The Bnai Mitzvah class started the first hour reading through a part of the Ki Tovo Torah portion and considered what it said, its deeper meaning, and what it meant for us.  They were especially intrigued by the list of prohibitions and how they compared to the ten commandments.  During the second hour, we learned all about the Jewish community of India, including historical Jewish settlements, the mass exodus of Indian Jews to Israel, and the customs of the remaining Jewish community in the country.  The kids were really excited with the idea about making Indian cilantro latkes!

  And that about covers it for now.  We will see everyone on the 29th!


