Religious school update: Aug. 30, 2024

Hello Everyone,

    And welcome back!  We had an amazing first day of Religious School and we were so glad everyone was able to come.  All of our teachers are so excited to be starting the year and all the projects and activities we have planned.  As a reminder, there will be no Religious School next Sunday, September 1 (because of Labor Day).  The following week on September 8 is the Solano Stroll so please remember to sign up for one shift at the Temple Booth that day to help spread the word about our community.  It will be an all-school project.  You can let either me or Larry know when you would like to volunteer.

   And now for the recap.  Cantor Marney led us through our Tefillah service to get us back into our groove.  In a twist this year, each student will get to help lead a Tefillah service later this year as practice for their Bnai Mitzvot.

   The younger grades spent their day talking about their summer activities, going over class rules and procedures, watching videos, seeing the projects they will do and the themes they will cover, etc.  In the Bnai Mitzvah class, we spent the first hour coming up with our collective class rules, picking the countries we want to study for our year-long Jewish Communities Around the World project, and previewing the prayers and Torah portions we will review this year.  For the second hour, the kids played Apples to Apples: The Judeaica version.  They all had a lot of fun!

        And that about covers it for now.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


