Religious School Update – May 23, 2024



Hi Everyone,

It was great to see everyone on Sunday.  Now that we are in the home stretch for the school year, we will have next week off because of Memorial Day, our final full session on June 2, and then our annual Mensch Ceremony/Ice Cream social on June 9.  For the last day, we will have our regular Tefillah service, an hour or so for the Mensch Ceremony, and then another half hour to an hour for the ice cream social.  We encourage all parents to stay for the ceremony and contribute one ice cream treat for the kids.  It will be an excellent finish for the year!  We also encourage everyone to stay for the membership meeting, which will start that day at 1:00 p.m.

 And now for the recap.  The younger grades were finishing up their lessons and completing end of year projects.  The B’nai Mitzvah class spent the first half of class learning about how Israel became a nation along with what was required to survive during the Israeli War for Independence in 1948.  We all agreed that cohesion, better planning, supplies from abroad, and division among the Arab combatants allowed Israel to win the war against long odds.  We then looked up fun facts about Israel and came up with a Top 10 list.  The list included that glue in Israel is Kosher, the largest sock mosaic (12,000 pairs) was created in Israel, and that at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, a ladder has stood at a window for over 200 years because none of the six sects of Christianity that use the church have claimed it!  For the second half of class, the students worked on their Ancestry posters.  They will complete the posters on June 2 and be able to take them home to show their family symbols, roots, and history in visual form.  They will also be able to log into the ancestry site and show the family trees they created.  It should be quite illuminating.

 And that about covers it for now.  Everyone have a wonderful long weekend and we will see you in June!


