Religious School Update – Oct. 19, 2022

Hello Everyone!

We are now well within the month of holidays!  With Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur now behind us, it is time for rejoicing in the form of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, which will be the themes for the next couple of weeks.  The teachers and I wanted to extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to all the parents who stayed to help set up our Sukkah last week.  In my opinion, all the families set a record this year for the fastest time ever putting up the Sukkah!  Our next class will be this Sunday, October 16, starting at 9:30 a.m.  Our regular Tefillah Service will be modified to include a service for Simchat Torah, which will last until 10:30 a.m.  Please invite friends and family if you like.

And now for the recap.  Rabbi Dean and Chase led us in our Tefillah service before the classes went to their separate activities.  The younger kids had a fun time making drawings related to Sukkot, including lulavs, etrogs, harvest items, etc.  They also made special leaves with patterns made from sparkles and glue.  At the same time, the Bnai Mitzvah class helped to build the Sukkah and then practiced the prayers for Chase’s Bar Mitzvah.  For the second half of class, all the kids helped decorate the Sukkah with paper chains, lights, their special leaves, and other colorful accouterments.  The Sukkah will be up for the rest of Sukkot so we encourage everyone who has not seen it yet to come by the Temple and take a look.

And that about covers it for now.  I look forward to seeing y’all next week for Simchat Torah.  And please pencil in your calendars for Friday, October 21, which will be both the next Youth Shabbat and Chase’s Bar Mitzvah, at 6:15 and 7:30 respectively.  See y’all soon!

