From the Presidents – Feb. 22, 202


Shalom Everyone!

First of all, we wanted to thank all our members who attended the New Member Shabbat last week and welcomed our newest members to our TBH family.  It is also that time of year again when many of our kids are off for a whole week to commemorate President’s Week.  Typically this holiday is about honoring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln (both of whom were born in February) but we must not forget the stellar contributions of other presidents as well, especially those who have contributed practically or symbolically to Jewish communities.  In just a few examples, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed the first Jewish Cabinet member, Secretary of Commerce and Labor Oscar Straus.  President Woodrow Wilson nominated the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, in 1916.  President Harry S. Truman became one of the first world leaders to formally recognize the State of Israel.  President Jimmy Carter hosted the first lighting of a menorah at the White House in 1979.  Two decades later, President George W. Bush hosted the first Hanukkah Party at the White House in 2001.  President Obama became the first president to host and attend a Passover Seder at the White House in 2009 (the first ever White House Passover Seder was actually held in 1993 but it was conducted by staffers of Bill Clinton, who did not attend).  And back in 2000, Al Gore selected Joe Lieberman as his running mate, who would have been the first Jewish Vice President.  Currently, Second Gentlemen Doug Emhoff is the first ever Jewish spouse of a Vice President.  One day, there will be a Jewish president who will set all kinds of precedents as well.  It will give a whole new meaning to Presidents Week for our community.

In other news, we are also pleased to announce that Rabbi Dean will be continuing as our rabbi until the summer of 2025.  The Rabbi Search Committee will therefore spend the next few months discussing the member survey and start submitting announcements later this year.  The Board now plans to have a new rabbi selected by the spring of 2025, just before Rabbi Dean’s retirement.  We will provide more updates in the coming weeks.

This is also the time of year to start thinking about the next few major holidays, especially Purim and Passover.  You can also help make a difference by volunteering to help with the upcoming Purim Carnival, which will take place on March 24.  The volunteer sheets have been sent out so please consider assisting with the booths, bake sale, set up, clean up, and other tasks.  These events allow us to connect with the community, perform a mitzvah, and make the Temple Beth Hillel experience even better.  And for those who wish to make a difference in our community, we highly encourage you to consider joining the Temple Beth Hillel Board of Directors next year. Our Board is always on the lookout for members who have ideas for the future of the temple and the ability to carry out that vision. Serving on the Board makes us appreciate how much Temple Beth Hillel means to us and our children. 

We also have the exciting news that one of our B’nai Mitzvah students, Scarlet G., will be having her Bat Mitzvah this Saturday, February 24.  It will be a special afternoon service, starting at 3:30 p.m., and we encourage our congregation to come show their support for our newest B’nai Mitzvah.

Finally, our next regular Shabbat Service will take place on Friday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m.  Torah Study will take place Saturdays at 10:15 a.m. on Zoom, and the next Adult Education class will be hosted by Rabbi Dean on Sunday, March 3.  And of course, we encourage everyone to come to our wonderful Tefillah services at Religious School each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.  Thank you everyone!  

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel

~ Anna B Stein and David Zimring, Co-Presidents, Temple Beth Hillel