Religious School Update – May 2, 2024

Hello Everyone,

First of all, we wanted to thank all of our families who helped out and attended the Seder dinner this past Saturday.  The kids had a lot of fun finding the afikomen.  Our next Religious School session will be this Sunday, May 5, and then we will have a break the following week on May 12 for Mother’s Day.

   And now for the recap.  Rabbi Dean led our Tefillah service before the kids went to their separate classes.  The younger kids finished up their Passover packets and completed their matzah covers for their family Seders.  At the same time, the B’nai Mitzvah class explored how to modify Passover traditions to give them a 21st century twist.  The kids brainstormed what the 10 plagues would look like if they were based on disrupting life in urban areas dependent on technology (instead of rural areas dependent on agriculture).  The new plagues would include electrical power outages, device breakage, natural disasters, sun flares knocking out satellites, etc.  They also reimagined the lyrics to Chad Gadya.  For the second half of class, we reviewed the B’nai Mitzvah prayers and continued working on their ancestry projects. 

  And that is about all for now.  Please remember to sign up for bringing snacks for the kids along with hosting an Oneg if your family has not done so already.  We still have openings for one Shabbat in May and two Shabbats in June.  Thanks everyone and we’ll see you Sunday!


