From the President – April 22, 2021

In his inaugural address John F. Kennedy spoke his famous words, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”   Last week I wrote about what our community did for Mercedes and me and I know that many of you have received similar aid.  This week I am writing about how to give back and support our community. 

Our small and mighty congregation needs the dedication of all of us to thrive.  We all have our own skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience  that can benefit our community.  Even if you think you have little to contribute, please talk to us.  Even if you have limited time, please talk to us.  I have no experience in business or finance or budgets or construction or building maintenance or public health.  I am not as versed in Jewish history and thought as I should be and want to be.  As a theater director, what I do know how to do is bring a diverse group of individuals together to produce a play and I like to think that the skills I have learned to do that transfer to my position as TBH President.  My skills are not particularly special or unique.  Many of you are far more accomplished than I am, yet here I am writing this as TBH President.  I depend on the guidance and knowledge of others and am asking for your help. 

Last week Mercedes and I experienced what Temple Beth Hillel can do for us.  This week I am asking you to please ask Jane Durango, Linda Rose, or me what you can do for Temple Beth Hillel.  We need your talents in ways large and small.


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for others, what am I?

And if not now, when?   -Rabbi Hillel


~ Michael R Cohen, President, Temple Beth Hillel